
There are many ways to get resources accessible to a Houdini session via envs or several expected locations that are more appropriate for networked or production environments. This simply covers installation in a single users home directory.

inside your home directory should be a folder automatically created after Houdini’s first launch named houdiniXX.x (where XX.x is the version number) This is where we need to look for specific folders to install out various resources and if they don’t exist create them.


To install OTLs:

  • look for a folder named “otls” (without the quotes)
  • if the folder does not exist create one and rename it “otls”
  • download otls and move it to “otls”
  • either start/restart houdini OR form an active session: file –> install digital asset library ..


To install Python:

There are a couple of options when installing python. The contents of downloaded.
archives will either contain python scripts(*.py), compiled python (*.pyc) or a module (a folder). In all cases they get installed in the same fashion and in the same location.

  • look for a folder named either python2.5libs (for Houdini 11) or  “scripts” with a “python” folder inside (all without the quotes)
    • if neither exist create a folder and rename to “python2.5libs”
    • use which ever exists if only one does
    • use python2.5libs if both exist
  • download and extract archive contents using your favorite tool to the folder
  • start/restart Houdini


To install shelves:

  • look for a folder named “toolbar” (without the quotes)
  • if it does not exist create and rename it “toolbar”
  • download and extract archive contents using your favorite tool to “toolbar”


To install icons:

  • look for a folder named “config”
  • if it does not exist, create one and rename it “config”
  • inside “config”, create a folder and rename it “Icons”, if it does not exist
  • store icons directly in this “Icons” folder
  • start/restart Houdini

*** note the capital “I” in “Icons”